I feel like I've been stuck in a rut. Photography has seemed more challenging...we've been living in our house for a few months and the newness of our surroundings has worn off, the warmth of summer has limited our outdoor activities, and my energy has been incredibly low (I can at least credit the last one to being pregnant with baby #3 and trying to keep up with two boys!).
So tonight I'm pulling out a much loved book that I checked out from the library (for the second time now) to stir up some new ideas and the hope that there is more out there for me to capture.
The book is called Learning to See Creatively by Bryan Peterson (who has another fabulous book all about exposure). The first time I read this book I was so new to photography and was more overwhelmed than anything at all the possibilities. Now that I've been playing and experimenting with my camera for a while I'm excited to see what I come away with.
If you're interested in improving your photography I highly recommend his book. It's an easy read written with the beginner in mind and goes through various things like what makes a striking picture, the rule of thirds ( if you don't know what this is you can find examples on google - this concept alone dramatically changed the way I took pictures) and how to look for different points of view to add interest to your pictures.
I'd love your help in getting unstuck...what inspires you to grab your camera and start clicking away? Do you ever use the rule of thirds when you're composing a picture?